Vicki Van Hout
Vicki Van Hout is an independent First Nations artist with over 20 years’ experience. A graduate of NAISDA Dance College and the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance in New York, she went on to perform with major dance companies, Bangarra Dance Theatre and the Aboriginal Islander Dance Theatre, before joining forces with Marilyn Miller as a founding member of Fresh Dancers. With Marilyn, Vicki performed Dear Carrie for One extra Dance and Quinkin for the Adelaide Fringe Festival.
Her show Briwyant was the first ever show by an independent First Nations choreographer to tour nationally and was nominated for an Australian Dance Award for Best Achievement in Independent Dance.
For Legs, Vicki has appeared in TRESTLE, Tipping Point (as part of the Festival of Dangerous Ideas) and notably as the first performer to appear on the ice in THAW. Vicki is currently leading a new work in development with Legs.