Explore the art of storytelling using props, finding meaning and magic in everyday objects, puppets, and all things in between

Duration: 2 hours 

Year Level: Years 7 to 12

Numbers: up to 22 students / 1 trainer

Venue: in schools, or at the Red Box

Students will explore the art of storytelling through the use of props, exploring the dynamic interplay between physicality and objects. From the nuanced world of puppetry to the comedic antics of clowning and slapstick, participants will unlock the expressive potential of props as they weave narratives rich in metaphor and meaning.

In this highly hands-on session, students will discover the magic of interactive set pieces and the versatility of bodies as props, blurring the lines between performer and puppeteer. Legs will provide a selection of props, but the space itself will offer endless possibilities for incorporating objects into the theatrical experience.


  • an intensive industry standard warm-up.

  • exploration of using props in unconventional ways.

  • crafting stories and scene work using provided or found props, utilising movement and space.

  • wind down with a gentle warm-down routine.

  • sharing of findings through a debrief, offering students the opportunity to offer insights and ask questions.

  • optional conversation regarding the live performance industry, physical performance sector and career pathways.




Clowning and Slapstick 

Interactive set pieces 

Bodies as props 

Human puppeteering 

image above featuring props from Legs productions

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