Reach new heights in creativity through Legs’ signature physical language, developing aerial skills and exploring their role in storytelling

Duration: 3 hours 

Year Level: Years 7 to 12

Numbers: 15 students / 2 trainers + 1 rigger, OR 16 to 25 students / 2 trainers + 2 riggers

Venue: Red Box, 91 Canal Road LILYFIELD

Join us at the Legs On The Wall HQ, our state of the aerial studio, where students will explore Legs’ signature aerial physicality,  learning the exhilarating techniques of wall running, aerial dance, and constructing aerial movement sequences. 

Through hands-on activities, students will learn to craft narratives using aerial apparatus, discovering the unique art of storytelling in the air. Explore the aerial dimension and understand how height and depth impact the narrative. Students will explore the dynamic interplay between spectacle and subtlety.


  • an intensive industry standard warm-up.

  • exploration of the fundamentals of aerial apparatus, sequencing and partner work technique. 

  • creation of aerial sequences, both solo and partnered.

  • exploration of wall running.

  • wind down with a gentle warm-down routine.

  • sharing of findings through a debrief, offering students the opportunity to offer insights and ask questions.

  • optional conversation regarding the live performance industry, physical performance sector and career pathways.


Wall running 

Aerial dance 

Aerial movement sequences

Storytelling through aerial apparatus 

Playing in aerial space 

Spectacle vs subtlety 

image above by Carlita Sari Photography:

Anna McCulla & Jana Castillo in the Red Box

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